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Training Teachers

A successful ICT project in schools will be possible only if it starts by training and bringing awareness to the management and teachers first.
Many ICT projects in schools have failed due to the fact that the projects concentrated on students and left behind the teachers. Knowing this, we have decided to start training the teachers and those in management.

Our concentration is to make them computer literate by giving them essential ICT Skills which will enable them to carry out various daily activities using various applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Essential Internet and the like.

Within a very short time since we started, we achieved the following:

❖ Over 105 teachers were trained and certified by us. These teachers came from 12 different schools. These graduates are doing a great job today busing the skills provided. We visited one of the schools (Kinyerezi Secondary) and found the teachers using the computers productively.

Non Teachers Free Training

Most of us do not realize that the extremely unprivileged African families, living on just a few thousand dollars a year, must find a way to cobble together hundreds of dollars for school fees, in order to better their children’s lives.

TEHAMA KWA WOTE through PCTL Training Institute has been doing a great job in helping such individuals in getting free education or with a discounted price.

As we speak today PCTL Training Limited has already sponsored more than 100 Tanzanians in different ways like:

a) Giving full scholarships on the tuitions fee
b) Giving discounts from 20% to 75% on the tuition fee as well as examination fees. It’s our wish to assist more students but we have limited resources to do this.

ICT Labs

TEHAMA kwa wote/ICT for all wants to make sure that schools are having computer laboratories.

The laboratories:
– Can be used a computer classes
– Can be used as a digital libraries

So far we have managed to install some Computers in four different places in Dar es Salaam and Kibaha.

Juhudi and Halisi Secondary Schools: We have started computer laboratories in these two schools for teaching ICT. We will use the laboratories to train both teachers and students. We will train all teachers, including the ones coming from outside Juhudi and Halisi secondary schools. The projects are ongoing and we intend to add more computers and internet.

Provision of ICT working tools


It is unbelievable that we train teachers but when they go back to their schools they don’t have computers.
This is a big challenge. Several teachers have come to us asking for assistance.
Thus the way forward is to find some ways of getting computers and give them. We shall create a mechanism whereby the teachers will pay a small amount of money get machines and pay the remaining amount in installments.


When visiting different schools, we noticed that most schools were still using blackboards when teaching. This is understood to be really hard and time consuming exercise. On the same note when students hear and see, they understand better.

Schools need to have projectors in the class to facilitate and smoothen the learning process. It’s our wish to see schools using projectors.

Internet Connection

The Internet provides great opportunities to improve the quality of education. It offers new ways of teaching and learning, better access to a much wider range of information and resources and new skills for the digital age. Computers without the internet are good but actually do very little to students and school management.

Access to the Internet is fundamental in achieving this vision for the future. It can improve the quality of education in many ways. It opens doorways to a wealth of information, knowledge and educational resources, increasing opportunities for learning in and beyond the classroom.

Teachers use online materials to prepare lessons, and students use it to extend their range of learning. Interactive teaching methods, supported by the Internet, enable teachers to give more attention to individual students’ needs and support shared learning. This can help to rectify inequalities in education experienced by girls and women. Access to the Internet helps educational administrators to reduce costs and improve the quality of schools and colleges.

Our intention is not only to supply Computers and train teachers but also to look for stakeholders who can assist in making sure that schools have an internet connection.


Today books are very expensive to buy.
However, by spending a few dollars we can purchase e-books or get them for free and allow students to use them either on their phones, laptops or desktops.
Tehama for all wants to see schools with E-libraries not libraries with physical books The challenge here is the availability of buildings, machines, internet and awareness.
All these need funds for proper establishment.

International Certification

We have many colleges offering ICT training in Tanzania.
However, many questions arise when it comes to the issue of certification.such as: Which syllabus do they use? How are the students being assessed? and the like.

The long-term plan of ICT for all is to make sure that students and teachers are assessed using one international standard.

The International Certificate in Digital Literacy (ICDL) is what is our actual intention. The problem in testing using ICDL is costful and most teachers and students find it expensive.

ICT Research

Immediately after the formation of TEHAMA KWA WOTE/ICT FOR ALL.

We started to conduct a reach on “Stakeholders’ Readiness Towards ICT Integration into Classroom Process: A Case Study of Secondary School Teachers in Dar es Salaam Region”

This was a very crucial step because one can not help the schools without concrete facts.
The study revealed a number of facts about the state of ICT integration in secondary schools in Dar es salaam. Specifically, 93% owned smartphones, 19% owned a laptop, 30% of the teachers were ICT literates, 1% of schools studied had ICT Labs and none
of them had Internet connectivity. This indicated that much effort was required to effectively integrate ICT in the education sector.

The study also revealed a number of factors hindering the readiness to use ICT in teaching for both public and private schools.

The findings ultimately revealed that the lack of ICT infrastructure in 88% of both public and private schools was a major factor pulling back the ICT usage readiness in these schools.

To address these challenges related to readiness towards ICT usage in teaching, the government is encouraged to set up ICT infrastructure in its schools, train teachers with necessary skills and promote the use of ICT in teaching to increase the motivation to teachers towards using ICT during teaching. Furthermore, the government should also engage the private sector through PPP arrangement to close the observed gaps.